
I have a strong interest in astronomy education and outreach, and have made a concerted effort throughout my years to involve myself in education, both through formal college classroom education and

informal education via public outreach. 

ASTR 103 — The Evolving Universe: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology, UW-Madison (SP 2024, SP 2025)

Instructor, Astro 1, PSU 
Guest/Substitute lecturer, PSU
Head Teaching Associate, OSU (2010-2013)
Teaching Associate, Intro. Astronomy for B.S.majors, OSU (2008-2009)
Teaching Associate, Intro. Astronomy, General Education, OSU 2008

From 2008-2014, I presented planetarium shows to visiting groups at the Ohio State planetarium, and was responsible for coordinating all planetarium activity from 2009-2014. At that point, the planetarium had seen better days, so in June of 2012, we closed down the planetarium for a major renovation project. I was heavily involved in the project, contributing to nearly all aspects of the renovation. After completing my dissertation, I began my appointment as joint postdoc+planetarium director, with the task of getting the planetarium back on its feet after the renovation, training presenters, developing programming for the new system, coordinating all shows and presentations, managing our web and social media presence, and facilitating collaboration between other OSU departments in the use of the planetarium’s wide range of capabilities (while also doing research!). 

I continued my planetarium work at Penn State from 2014-2018 by presenting planetarium shows to visiting school groups in the Penn State Astronomy Department’s planetarium.

Beyond my planetarium work, I have also taken part in various outreach activities throughout my years studying astronomy.  From 2009-2014, I coordinated many/most of the OSU Astronomy Department’s outreach efforts and organized and recruited volunteers for many types of events. Below are some highlights from some of the outreach programs I have been involved with over the years:

Astronomy Guest Lecturer (e.g., schools, clubs, cub scout pack meetings) — Many occasions, ongoing
Women in Astronomy — Penn State, 2014-2015
AstroFest — Volunteer, Penn State (2014-2018)
AstroNight — Volunteer, Penn State, October 2014
OSU Star Parties — Volunteer, OSU 2008-present, twice annually (also includes special events)
Ohio State Fair — Physics Booth Volunteer, August 2010
3rd Annual Midwest Women in Physics Conference — Session Chair, January 2010
Girls Reaching to Achieve in Sports and Physics, OSU — Volunteer June 2008, June 2010
Astronomy Guest Lecturer, Junior Stargazers, Champaign, IL, 2007
Girls Engaged in Math and Science Program, UIUC — Volunteer May-June, 2007
President, UIUC Astronomical Society, 2006-2007
Summer Astrocamp at University of Wyoming — Volunteer, July 2006
Vice-President, UIUC Astronomical Society, 2005-2006